Tuesday, 9 October 2018

The Health Benefits of Tea: Part 1 - Physical Health

Tea has been an imperative part of different cultures and traditions from around the world for thousands of years, and it continues to be important even today. But it isn’t just a comforting hot beverage that tastes good, it also has numerous health benefits. Here are some of the physical health benefits tea has that’ll convince you to add drinking a cup of tea to your daily routine:

1. Caffeine

Many people tend to think that tea doesn't contain caffeine, but that can't be farther from the truth. Unless otherwise specified, tea always contains some caffeine. Although caffeine has some health benefits that include memory and energy boost, too much caffeine can be harmful, as is with anything we overconsume. Since tea has a smaller amount of caffeine than coffee, for example, it can still provide you with that much-needed pick-me-up, without the jittery feeling.

2. Antioxidants

All varieties of tea contain high amounts of a particular antioxidant that can help with cell regeneration and slow the process of aging. This antioxidant is called polyphenol and it acts as a detoxifying agent in your body that helps protect against cancer and heart disease. Research suggests that drinking tea with fruits and veggies that also contain polyphenols can make them even more beneficial for our health, so it’s a win-win situation!

3. Hydration

Despite the caffeine in the tea, it’s actually very hydrating. Some even consider tea to be a great alternative to drinking just plain water, as it also provides you with antioxidants to help keep your body resilient. While hydrating your body, it also serves as an immune system booster and it soothes the digestive system. Hydration is a powerful thing, and without it, our bodies shut down. So, if you don't like plain water to stay hydrated, tea is a great alternative.

There’s a reason why tea has been consumed for so long in so many different cultures, and there are even more than we mentioned here. Stay tuned for the second part of this mini-series to learn about the benefits tea has on our mental health. In the meantime, try reading The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, by Vasant Lad, M.A.Sc. The author discusses ancient healing rituals from India that include herbal teas and other remedies such as yoga, meditation, and essential oils. Feel free to browse through our online library www.hubbelt.com for more

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