Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Getting Up Early vs. Getting Enough Sleep

In our endless pursuit of productivity we often tend to focus on what will help us get the most done, as opposed to what will help us feel our best. Nowhere is this more evident than when it comes to sleep. Odds are you don’t need any statistics to come to the conclusion that generally speaking, we, as a society, don’t get enough sleep. It’s only natural, of course, when trying to get as much done as possible, sleep tends to be the first thing to be sacrificed. Such is the case when it comes to waking up early to get a productive day started.

We’ve long heard that “the early bird gets the worm,” and really, there’s a number of advantages to getting up early in order to get a productive day started. Waking up early, especially when done consistently, is a great way to get into a productive morning routine, to exercise before the start of a work day, or even just to take some time for ourselves. But do all of these advantages outweigh the benefits of a solid 7-8 hours of sleep?

The fact of the matter is that insufficient sleep can lead to serious cognitive decline. Insufficient sleep can impact our ability to form new memories, can have adverse effects on concentration, and can even increase the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease. It’s ultimately up to you to decide what’s best for your body, but when it comes to getting up early vs. getting enough sleep, odds are even your body will tell you to favor sleep at some point or another.

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