Thursday, 31 October 2019

What You Could do if You Spent Less Time on Social Media

Spending too much time on social media? Here’s what you could do instead:

Exercise to improve your energy and your mood. Exercising regularly comes with a whole host of benefits, but it also takes time, and that’s a big ask of anyone with an already busy schedule. But those who spend more time on social media than they realise could be using that time to exercise instead, which will lead to increased energy throughout the day, a better mood, and increased productivity. You may even end up with a bit of extra time to spend on social media too!

Read books. Don’t we all wish we could be better read? But instead of picking up that book that’s been sitting on the shelf for months we’ll endlessly scroll through posts instead, doing plenty of reading, but ultimately not reading anything useful. Less time on social media could mean more quality time with the books you’ve been dying to read.

Catch up on sleep. Sleep, both how we sleep and how much we sleep, has a tremendous impact on every other aspect of our lives. But not only is social media cutting into our sleep time, the use of devices late into the night is negatively affecting the quality of our sleep as well. Skipping the social media to get a little more sleep will be well worth the effort, and will make a big difference in the big picture.

Looking for some health related reads? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

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