Sleeping is tricky for many of us, often because we don't have the time to schedule enough of it into our night, and often because when we do finally get to bed many of us have trouble falling asleep. This is where “sleep hygiene” comes into play, a set of habits and routines than can lead to better luck sleeping. Here are three tips for proper sleep hygiene and how they can help you sleep better.
Wake up at the same time every morning. It may be tempting to skip the alarm on weekends, particularly after late nights, but the truth is you’re not doing yourself any favors. Setting a consistent wake-up time, regardless of what time you go to bed the night before, helps your body set a natural rhythm and increases your chances of falling asleep easier at night.
Shut off screens an hour before bed. The blue light emanating from the screens of our various devices actually suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone which helps regulate our sleep/wake cycle. Shutting off all screens at least an hour before bed will not only help you relax and disconnect from the day, it’ll prevent the blue light from affecting your sleep cycle.
Avoid late night eating. Digesting is hard work for the body, and odds are that extra effort late at night will prevent your body from shutting down for some shut-eye. Ensuring that your last meal of the day happens at least 2-3 hours before bed means that your body will have the time it needs to digest and you can go to bed knowing your dinner won’t keep you up at night.
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